Jenn Grinels - Resilience

If there was ever a song to provide support for every person living in the crazy world of 2020, look no further than Jenn Grinels’ single, “Resilience.” Grinels has tapped into each of our inner voices as she sings about the struggles we’re facing and the demons we’re fighting against, but then slides in evidence of hope with lyrics like, “say you just can’t do this anymore, well I know you can, I’ve seen you here before.” 

When listening to the chorus of “Resilience,” you feel as though it’s the end of a therapy session with Grinels as she delivers her wise, encouraging words to help you leave her office with your head held high like you will get through everything you’re battling along with the sounds of the elegant cello that embodies her lyrics.

But you will find the sun again

And until then, my darling keep remembering 

Resilience is a beautiful thing

The music video for “Resilience” will have the viewer taking a journey into four minutes of mindfulness. The scenes seem sad at first, going along with the struggles Grinels speaks of, but are also therapeutic in a way with the sweet innocence in a little girl’s view of the world and Grinels playing her guitar in the peaceful surroundings of the water in the middle of the woods.

Jenn Grinels’ “Resilience” is a clear example of “Music is medicine.”  We are all battling with inner demons in our lives right now, and this song is just what the doctor ordered.  The soft, angelic, calming vocals of Grinels along with the simplistic beauty of the piano, acoustic guitar, and cello, will heal your heart for those four minutes and twenty four seconds and allow you to realize that resilience really is a beautiful thing.


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